Nº seats: 120 (two classes) Start operations for VARIG: 1998 Maximum takeoff weight:
69.398 kg Cruising speed: 830 km/h Engines: 2
Main routes:
domestic routes First Class: no Business Class: 12 seats Economy Class: 108 seats All seats are non smoking (NSST). Restricted Recline: seats: 10AL Unaccompanied minor (UMNR): seats
2JL / 7JKL Passenger with Infant (INF / BSCT): seats
1AL / 5AL Passengers with animals in cabin (PETC): seats
or 2L or6A or
6L Disabled Passengers (INCAD): 1C - 1J / 5CJ -
18CJ Passengers on a stretcher (STCR): no
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